If you grew up in an Indian household you.     know Parle G biscuits as the go to snack for every mom.  This Parle G obsession follows.       every Indian child into adulthood as they are perfect accompaniment to a nice cup of warm coffee. 
This cake  brings together Parle-G glucose biscuits, with instant coffee. Two things I adore (my mornings still begin with a giant frothy mug of black coffee) and if you grew up in India, chances are you had them in your home too. So this cake is memories, it’s Indian, it’s fabulous.

And as its the year of the millets made it healthier and richer using ragi flour. 

So lets dive right into it 

Ragi cake 
125 grams (1 cup)  Roasted ragi (finger millet) flour 
2 tablespoons dark unsweetened cocoa 
1 tablespoon instant coffee
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup oil
1 cup coconut sugar 
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup yogurt

100 g of Parle G biscuit
1/4 +1/4 cup milk 
2 tablespoons unsalted softened butter 
80 g softened cream cheese 

Powdered sugar ( optional) can add based on the sweetness preferred


1.In a blender add all the wet ingredients followed by the dry ingredients. 
Exclude egg , baking powder and baking soda 

2.Blend the ingredients 

3.Now add the eggs and baking soda and powder and blend again ( do not over blend)
4.Preheat oven at 180 degrees .Grease a circular baking pan with butter and greased parchment paper.
5. Pour the batter into the greased baking tray 
6.Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the skewer inserted comes out clean and the cake begins to leave the edges.
Remove & cool on a wire rack till cooled completely. 
7.Gently run a knife along the edges, invert and tap lightly all along the base of the pan till the cake loosens up & comes out.The cake must be cooled almost to room temp before slicing.

8.For the frosting 
Blend cookies until the crumbs are very fine.
Add milk, cream cheese and butter and blend till it forms a frosting consistency. 
You can keep pit in the fridge till the cake cools down and is ready to be decorated.

Additional  step : brush some instant coffee mixed with water on the cake so as to enhance coffee flavour and keep it moist. 

Cut the cake into half , spread some Frosting in the centre with some biscuit crumbs   place the second layer and cover the cake with Frosting. Let it set in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Cut and Enjoy your cake...almost guiltfree 


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