Sizzlers (Vegetarian/Non- Vegetarian)

Sizzlers undoubtedly are delicious and healthy as loaded with veggies and exotic flavours and spices. The sizzle basically comes from the mixture of oil and water which  is applied to the wooden base. When the hot iron plate is placed over wooden plate having oil and water mixture they splutter to make that sizzling sound. The origin of the sizzler probably goes back to the teppanyaki-sizzled dishes of Japan. From there it moved to the US after World War II, and became popular in the 1950s.

The main components of the sizzler are veggies, mash, fries, sauce and a protein    (cottage cheese/ fish/ chicken).
The choice as I always post, is left upto the individual. As I am going the low carb way, I have substituted potato mash with cauliflower mash and for the fries I have used brinjal fries/ Zuchinni fries/cheese crisps. 

So let's jump into the ingredients and method for each- 

Serving 3

For the stir fry vegetables 
Assorted vegetables( Capsicum, onion, carrot, beans) 
Olive Oil 
Chilli powder


Prep the veggies by chopping Capsicum, carrot, beans and peeling the onion. As I have used beans and carrot, I will steam the two for 15 to 20 minutes before sauteing it with the other veggies.

 In a pan heat the olive oil and add  the onions, Bell peppers followed by carrot and beans. Add the salt, pepper and Chilli powder and  sauté it for about 8-10 min. Turn off the gas and keep it aside.

Garlic butter sauce(optional) 

1 tbsp butter

2 tbsp chopped garlic

1/2 tbsp chopped ginger

1 tbsp green chillies finely chopped

2 tbsp soya sauce

Salt and pepper to taste


In a pan add the butter , once heated add the chopped garlic and ginger and sauté it for about 2 -3 mins till it turns a little brown then add the soya sauce. Add about 2-3 tbsp of water and add salt and pepper to taste accordingly. One can add a little more water to the sauce and a tsp of corn flour to thicken the sauce, however I have refrained using any of these  flours. 

Cauliflower mash 

I have a detailed post on the recipe of the cauliflower mash. Hence do check that out. 

Cauliflower Mash

Paneer Steak 

Choose the protein and marinate the protein with the preferred Marination. I have used hung curd, chilli powder, pepper, salt and turmeric powder for the paneer. Marinate it  for 30 minutes and then finish off in a pan with some oil. 


You can substitute the cottage cheese with either Fried fish or chilli mushroom. 
The recipe of chilli mushroom is on my blog. 

Brinjal/ Zuchinni Fries 
The recipe of brinjal fries in on my blog. 

The final assembly of the sizzler :

Cabbage leaves ( blanched or raw)
1 tsp of butter
1 Tbsp oil + water in a bowl 
Sizzler plate

Take the hot iron sizzler plate and heat it on the gas for about  7 to 8 mins and keep all the items ready and near the wooden base:

Add some oil water mixture on the wooden base. Remove the hot iron plate from the gas cautiously as its heavy and really hot. Quickly put in a tsp of butter on the hot plate , layer the plate with the cabbage leaves, then arrange the stir fry veggies, cauliflower mash, paneer/ fish / mushroom, pour the sauce throw in the fries.You can arrange according to your taste.

Hot and Wholesome  sizzling sizzler is ready to eat !


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