Thai Red curry with Vegetables

The Red Thai curry is  beautifully fragrant and the creamy red curry sauce is so good you can put anything in it and it will be amazing! So let's jump into the ingredients - 

Serves 3-4
Vegan Thai Red Curry Paste 
12-14 cloves garlic
12-17 dried red chilies( based on the heat) 
1/4 cup finely chopped onions/ shallots
3 teaspoon coriander seeds
3 teaspoon cumin seed
1 teaspoon black pepper
3-4 kafir lime leaves/ or lemon zest
2 tablespoon ginger paste/ grated ginger
2 stalks of lemongrass or 1 tablespoon lemon zest
1/4 cup coriander leaves with tender stems.
salt to taste

For The Thai Red Curry
3  tablespoons oil
2 to 4 tablespoon of Thai Red curry paste ( based on the spice level desired) 
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/3 cup chopped baby corn
1 cup chopped button mushrooms/Paneer Cubes 
1/4 cup chopped Zuchinni 
1/4 cup chopped bell pepper – any colored bell pepper
1/2 cup chopped french beans
1/4 cup chopped Eggplant  ( optional) 
1- 1.5 cups water or add as required
1 cup thick coconut milk
1/4  teaspoon sugar (optional) 
salt as required 

Method - Thai Red Curry paste 
Deseed dry chilies and soak it in hot water to soften for 30 minutes. Drain and keep aside 
Meanwhile roast coriander seeds, cumin and pepper on low heat until aromatic for 2 minutes.Let it cool completely before grinding.
Grind all the the dry spices. Add shallots, chilies and pulse. Add ginger, garlic, lemon grass, lemon zest , salt and coriander leaves and grind until smooth.The paste is now ready to use.It will be very spicy and tangy , but balances out once added to the food.This recipe makes around 3/4 cup curry paste so make in advance and store in the freezer. 

Method - Thai Red Curry 
Cooking Veggies-In a pan add a tablespoon oil, all the vegetables  and salt and cook till partially cooked or slightly tender. 
To make the curry - In a pot or pan, heat 2 tablespoons oil and add the prepared thai red curry paste and fry the paste for a couple of minutes. 
Add the  half cooked veggies including white button mushrooms/paneer. You can add your choice of vegetables. Stir and mix everything.
Now add ½ cup thick coconut milk. Mix again. Next add water. Mix again. Since salt was added in the thai curry paste and vegetables, it need not be added. But do check the taste of the curry later and if required you can add more salt.
For a thicker consistency in the curry, add less water.
Cover the pan with its lid. Increase the heat to medium-low. Simmer the curry till the vegetables are completely cooked. 
In between do check when the veggies are cooking. If water dries up, you can add more water.When the vegetables are cooked and tender, then reduce the heat to a low and add the other  ½ cup thick coconut milk. 
At this step you can also add ¼ teaspoon sugar. Addition of sugar is optional and can be skipped but for a bit more sweet taste, increase the amount of sugar.
Mix very well and let the entire curry come to a gentle boil on a low or medium-low heat. Check the taste of curry and if required you can add some salt.Mix and switch off the heat
Serve the thai red curry hot with white/ boiled or Cauliflower rice.

Note - you can add your choice of fish or meat too( if adding fish or meat then don't add mushroom or paneer) . I have  also made this curry by adding few  square pieces of semi-cooked basa. 😍


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